40 Going on 20



Although there are a ton of videos available on the market, we use unique methods in the home, without the assistance of specific equipment and/or vigorous (i.e., aerobics) exercise. That’s right – no gimmicks, no pressure to go out and buy tons of items that you’ll never see again in the back of your closet. (Ladies, you know the ones.) 40 Going On 20 is designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced women. In this video, fitness expert Crystal Calderoni, simply suggests different sets of reps at different levels to make the adjustments easy and attainable for you, regardless of your shape, or limited work environment.

So, whether you’re a stay at home mother, working mother, someone that just needs a boost of confidence, or a woman always on the go and in need of a workout to take with her… 40 Going On 20 is for you! Whether you’re just getting started, or you just want to get motivated again, this video will help guide you!


40 going on 20 from Crystal Calderoni on Vimeo.

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