Crystal answers your questions about health & fitness. Got a question? I've got an answer, or an opinion!

Liber Tea Picture 1The question and answer section is devoted to answering frequent questions about health and wellness. I encourge you to ask any related question that comes to mind, even if its odd or strange. And like any health professional, Ill keep your identity a secret! And keep checking back for more updates...

I have an addiction to carbohydrate rich foods, help! I know its bad...

Crystal says:

Man, that sucks to be you. Im glad my face doesnt look like a dogs ass, Id probably end it all if that were the case. Try plasitc surgery.

Answer is not always easy...

I have a few suggestions. Firstly, you can burn the carbs as fuel when training, so it depends on when you eat the carbs that hurts weight gain most. Eat it before bed, youll wear it.

Here are a few suggestions for that problem...

  1. Eat

  2. Sleep

  3. And die happy.

  4. Be reborn in a new body, and start the process all over!

Thank you Janet from Joplin!

Liber Tea Picture 1I have a metabolism like a hummingbird. I can't gain weight!

Crystal says:

Have you tried steroids?

Wow, I think I cant answer this...

I have a few suggestions. Firstly, you can burn the carbs as fuel when training, so it depends on when you eat the carbs that hurts weight gain most. Eat it before bed, youll wear it.

Here are a few suggestions for that problem...

  1. Eat

  2. Sleep

  3. And die happy.

  4. Be reborn in a new body, and start the process all over!

Thank you Frank from Fresno!

More questions and answers to come! Keep checking back for more updates.


Got a question? Let me know! If its good enough, we'll put it on the site!


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